Sheridan C Series Serial Numbers
- 1979 – 1990 C-Series rifles with double sear trigger have strikers with two rings as shown on right. Very late strikers may have a slot which mates to a guide pin pressed into the end cap. Also, the rocker safety on very late end caps may incorporate a detent ball and spring. Typical tools needed to remove valve components.
- Sheridan Serial numbers (Rocker Safety guns) February 16, 1963 to March 1, 1964 No serial numbers were applied. March 1, 1964 to April 9, 1972 Serial numbers were in the form of a letter for the month followed by the year of production in reverse, ie: C6691 would by March 1966, B2791 would be February, 1972.
- Your gun was most likely made in 1988. The c-series was made until 1990 with the last serial number being around 560000. So you have one of the last years of the classic rocker safety sheridan. 1991 the design changed and the serial numbers restarted with 100000.
Evening to you all, wonder if someone can confirm or modify some of my research. I have a Sheidan Silver Streak with a Williams peep sight. At club today my good frend Zedman had a Blue Streak for me to take a look at. Its without Peep sight, been well used, some pins not original and a hole in back of stock which suggests a sling swivel may have been fitted. It shhots two shoots for 10 pumps, did not have my chrono to test it. Now i remember in early 80s Sussex Armoury were bringing them in and modifying them to shoot below 12 ft lbs by cutting down the hammer spring. According to my research and serial number it s a 1980-1981 model. it holds air pressure well and how much would it be worth, its not mint but it works well.
Sheridan C Series Serial Numbers Manufacture
Sheridan C Series Serial Numbers Doreen
Mechanical system: Pneumatic Caliber/Ammunition: C9 Series.20 caliber (5 mm) Lead Airgun Pellet 397.177 cal. Adobe presenter 8 download. Midnight sun trish cook pdf download. (4.5 mm) Lead Airgun Pellet 392.22 caliber (5.5 mm) Lead Airgun Pellet.