Ces Cambridge Engineering Selector Software Programs
- Ces Cambridge Engineering Selector Software Programs Download
- Ces Cambridge Engineering Selector Software Programs For Beginners
The Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC) is dedicated to the advancement of chemistry and crystallography for the public benefit through providing high quality information services and software. At this time Granta Design Ltd. Has elected to remove CES Selector from the Partner Alliance. The software will only be available for customers with a license issued before August 8, 2019. These qualified customers will have access until their license expires. Cambridge Energy Solutions (CES-US) is a software company with a mission to develop software tools for participants in deregulated electric power markets. Cambridge Energy Solutions is recognized in the list of top ten companies in the US providing services to electric power utilities. Software engineering. Software engineering could be a branch of technology that incorporates the event and building of a laptop software system, system program, computer program, and application software. The laptop system program consists of programs that embody computing utilities and operations systems. Export to a variety of third-party CAD/CAE software or feed simulation-ready engineering data into Ansys Workbench using our integrated workflow Systematic Selection Metholodogy Find out about the methods behind GRANTA Selector and our MaterialUniverse data, ensuring exhaustive, repeatable, and auditable materials selection. We’re looking for talented people from a variety of backgrounds to join our company as we build on success. We have a passion for materials, love of engineering and a talent for software. You could be one of us!
The Cambridge Engineering Selector (CES) is a powerful tool for the evaluation and selection of materials for engineering design. It has two main components: Selector and Constructor. Selector incorporates a set of seven data tables (materials, manufacturing processes, structural sections, suppliers, references, uses and industrial sectors). Constructor is a tool for making and editing selection databases for use in Selector.
The databases used in CES contain the mechanical, thermal, and electrical properties of a wide range of materials including ceramics, metals, polymers, elastomers and composites. Property data is presented is a graphical format to provide a series of “material selection charts”, which, when combined with the use of performance indexes, enable the rapid identification of the optimum materials for a specific design.
CES is only available in the machines at IPL. The online help provided along with software is quite explanatory and can be explored for guidance.
Listed below are three components for which you must use CES to select a suitable material based on the given requirements.
1. IC Engine Piston
Select a material for piston with the following properties:
Ø Density < 6 Mg/m3
ØTensile Strength > 40 MPa
Ø Price < 15 GBP/kg (1 GBP = $1.50)
ØMax Service Temperature > 350 K
ØFracture Toughness > 20 MPa.m1/2
Ø Forming must be Hot Closed Die Forging How to change text in a word label template for mac.
2. Ball bearings
Select a material for bearings with the following properties:
ØEndurance Limit > 425 MPa
Ø Hardness > 1500 MPa
ØModulus of Rupture > 400 MPa
ØTensile Strength > 1000 MPa
ØMaximum Price < 0.5 GBP/kg
Ø Wear Very Good
3. Fireplace Walls
Select a material for fireplace walls with the following properties:
ØThermal Conductivity < 45 W/m.K
ØThermal Expansion Coefficient < 8E10-6 /K
ØMelting Point > 1000 K
Ces Cambridge Engineering Selector Software Programs Download
Ø Price < 1.5 GBP/kg
ØMax Service Temperature > 400 K
Ø Flammability Very Good
Sample Problem: (explained during Demo)
Fastener for Aircraft Applications:
Select a material for a fastener walls with the following properties
Ø Density < 2.2 Mg/m3
ØElastic Limit > 65 MPa
ØFracture Toughness > 12 MPa.m1/2
ØHardness > 250 MPa
Ø Forming must be Shell Casting
Forming must be Standard Machining - Automated
Once a comprehensive materials list has been compiled for each of the scenarios, a brief report should be created outlining the findings. This report should include a complete list of potential materials for each scenario (no single list will exceed 20), an explanation of which material your group thinks is best suited for the given application, and an explanation of why each of the other materials is insufficient. Also upload your saved CES file to sambadfscoursesgroupme471 groupno.
Ces Cambridge Engineering Selector Software Programs For Beginners
This is a MANDATORY group project (work together with your design group). You should turn in the report on or before March 04(please hand it to TA or put it in Bhushan Ekbote’s mail box at EB2518). If you have any questions pertaining to this project or the report, please contact design TA.
Bhushan Ekbote
Design TA
ekbotebh@ msu.edu